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 19-0427; Rev 0; 8/95
MAX4141 Evaluation Kit
_______________General Description
The MAX4141 evaluation kit (EV kit) simplifies the evaluation of the MAX4141 wideband 330MHz, 4x1 multiplexer. Access to all inputs is through RF style connectors (SMA). A special scope-probe jack is provided for easy output monitoring on an oscilloscope. A threeposition dip switch allows simple control of the enable and address functions.
o 330MHz -3dB Bandwidth o 5V Supply Operation o Logic Disable Mode: High-Z Outputs Reduced Power Consumption o Fully Assembled and Tested
Evaluates: MAX4141
____________________Component List
DESIGNATION QTY U1 C1, C4 1 2 DESCRIPTION MAX4141CSD 10F, 10V tantalum capacitors Sprague 293D106X0010B2 AVX TAJB106M010 1000pF ceramic capacitors Vishay/Vitramon VJ1206Y102KXX Murata-Erie GRM42-6X7R102K025 0.1F ceramic capacitors Vishay/Vitramon VJ1206Y104KXX Murata-Erie GRM42-6X7R104K025 51, 5% resistors 10k, 5% resistors 3-position dip switch SMA jacks Scope-probe jack Specialty Connectors 33JR135-1 MAX4141 PC board MAX4141 data sheet
______________Ordering Information
C3, C5
C2, C6 R1-R4 R5, R6, R7 SW1 IN0-IN3 OUT None None
2 4 3 1 4 1 1 1
_________________________Quick Start
The MAX4141 EV kit is fully assembled and tested. Follow these steps to verify board operation. Do not turn on the power supply until all connections are completed. 1) The circuit requires 5V supply voltages. Connect the +5V supply to the VCC pad, and the -5V supply to the VEE pad. Connect power-supply ground to the pad marked GND. 2) On dip switch SW1, set A0 and A1 to logic 0, and set ENABLE to logic 1. 3) Apply a signal of 2.5V maximum to the SMA jack input marked IN0.
______________Component Suppliers
SUPPLIER AVX Murata-Erie Specialty Connectors Sprague Vishay/Vitramon PHONE (207) 282-5111 (814) 237-1431 (317) 738-2800 (603) 224-1961 (203) 268-6261 FAX (207) 283-1941 (814) 238-0490 (317) 738-2858 (603) 224-1430 (203) 452-5670
4) Insert an oscilloscope probe into the scope-probe connector labeled OUT. Be sure the scope ground makes contact with the outside of the connector. 5) Turn on the power supply and verify the output signal on the oscilloscope. The board should not draw more than 10mA from each supply. 6) Accurate gain-flatness measurement: a) Apply a signal to an input. b) Take the measurement with high-frequency FET probes at the pins of the IC, not at the connectors.
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
MAX4141 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX4141
_______________Detailed Description
Address and Enable Control
Dip switch SW1 allows simple control of the address lines A0 and A1 as well as the enable function. Refer to Table 1 for switch settings. User pads marked A0, A1, and ENABLE are provided for using an external controller. Note that there are 10k pull-up resistors to VCC on the A0, A1, and ENABLE lines.
Layout Considerations
The MAX4141 evaluation board layout is optimized for high-speed signals. Input traces are 50 transmission lines created with microstrip techniques. Ceramic bypass capacitors are located as close to the MAX4141 supply pins as possible to minimize parasitic inductances. Further layout recommendations can be found in the Grounding, Bypassing, and PC Board Layout section of the MAX4141 data sheet.
Table 1. Truth Table
A1 X 0 0 1 1 A0 X 0 1 0 1 ENABLE 0 1 1 1 1 OUT High-Z IN0 IN1 IN2 IN3
Figure 1. MAX4141 EV Kit Schematic Diagram
MAX4141 Evaluation Kit Evaluates: MAX4141
Figure 2. MAX4141 EV Kit Component Placement Guide-- Component Side
Figure 3. MAX4141 EV Kit PC Board Layout--Component Side
Figure 4. MAX4141 EV Kit PC Board Layout--Solder Side
Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.
(c) 1995 Maxim Integrated Products MAX4141 EV DS REV 0
4 ___________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 737-7600
MAX4141 Evaluation Kit
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Evaluates: MAX4141
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* Free Literature Request Cards
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Other Data Books Available from Maxim:
1994 New Releases Data Book 1994 Battery Management and DC-DC Converter Circuit Collection 1994 Applications & Product Highlights Book 1993 New Releases Data Book, Vol. II 1993 Applications & Product Highlights Book 1992 New Releases Data Book, Vol. I 1992 Applications & Product Highlights Book
Accelerate your time to market with Maxim's evaluation kits (EV kits) that simplify design-in and prototyping. For your convenience, the 1994 Evaluation Kit Data Book includes EV kit manuals and corresponding data sheets covering 95 products in one easy-to-use book. To receive your free data book, simply FAX this response card to your nearest Maxim office, or call toll-free 1-800-998-8800 (in the US only) for prompt fulfillment. We look forward to serving you.
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